Tabletop RPGs

“The Rollers”

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“The Rollers” was a GURPS 4th edition public one-shot session ran by me during the “GiocATrento 2011” game festival. I wrote the adventure scenario, the final character sheets, created the game materials, and the flyer.

Untitled Exalted 2nd one-shot

Created 5 character concepts and final character sheets for a public Exhalted 2nd edition one-shot session ran by Michele Graffeo during the “GiocATrento 2010” game festival.

Personal Campaigns

During my life as a tabletop roleplaying player I have participated in countless campaigns as player character, often helping out other players with character creation and rules. I learned a lot how to play and how to run campaigns from a large amount of examples.

I have ran a few homebrew campaigns in different game systems, such as “GURPS 4th”, “Pathfinder”, and “Burning Wheel”. I have also ran the prebuilt campaigns “Jade Regent”, “Lost Mine of Phandelver” and “Princes of the Apocalypse” (still running as of May 2020).